K.R. “Dick” and Joan Lampert Endowment


Giving back has always been important to Dick and Joan Lampert of Jasper. As longtime parishioners and supporters of St. Joseph Catholic Church, faith is central in their charitable giving.  The Lamperts also have deep roots to The Parklands in Jasper. As former members of the Country Club, they were passionate about seeing the land preserved and transformed into the beautiful nature park it is today.  Both passions helped shape their philanthropy. To ensure they can continue their charitable giving in perpetuity, the Lamperts partnered with the Community Foundation to establish the K.R. “Dick” and Joan Lampert Endowment to support St. Joseph Catholic Church and The Parklands. Through their endowment, the Lamperts can continue to impact the causes they care about and continue their legacy of giving.

Nicole Lampert