Community Foundation COVID-19 Grants Reach $100,000


Dubois County, April 21, 2020:  The Community Foundation announces another round of grantmaking in response to COVID-19. To date, the Community Foundation has deployed $100,000 to support emergency pandemic relief and nonprofit sustainability in Dubois County.

“We are prepared to respond to the needs of our community as they continue to arise,” Clayton Boyles, executive director said. “In addition to immediate response, we remain focused on long-term effects on the viability of nonprofits disproportionately impacted by the pandemic,” Boyles said.

In a second phase of grantmaking, the following grants have been made:

MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CARE CENTER received a $25,000 grant to purchase sanitation equipment, including UV boxes and lamps, and technology to equip medical staff to virtually connect with their patients.

SALVATION ARMY received a $5,000 grant for direct assistance for utility, rent or mortgage payments for households that have been impacted economically by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CRISIS CONNECTION received a $5,000 grant to purchase technology for Victim Advocates to work remotely throughout social distancing requirements and to continue to provide services to clients.

MENTORS FOR YOUTH received a $6,000 grant to purchase technology for volunteers to virtually connect with their youth during this pandemic, including equipping volunteers who are bilingual to help Spanish speaking parents navigate through e-learning.

JASPER CHRISTIAN ACADEMY received a $2,000 grant for operational support due to a significant decrease in revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic.

TRI COUNTY YMCA received a $10,000 grant for operational support due to lost revenue during closure during the COVID-19 pandemic and to develop child care opportunities once re-opened.

For a full listing of all COVID-19 response grants made to date, click here.

The Community Foundation continues to accept funding requests through an expedited application process found here. For additional information, contact 812.482.5295 or visit

Tracy Lorey