Community Foundation Announces Community Grant Awards
The Community Foundation announces its most recent round of community grantmaking from The Fund for Dubois County, its unrestricted endowment pool. A total of $66,500 was made to seven local nonprofit organizations.
City of Huntingburg received a $20,000 grant for historic League Stadium improvements.
St. Henry Volunteer Fire Department received a $17,000 grant to upgrade extrication equipment.
St. Anthony Community Center received a $12,000 grant for a tennis court restoration project.
Southern Indiana Adult Guardianship Services (SIAGS) received a $5,000 grant to support adult guardianship services in Dubois County.
City of Huntingburg received a $5,000 grant for a new sound system on Fourth Street and Market Street Park.
Holland Events Committee received $4,500 for a new festival stage.
Safe Haven Recovery Engagement Center received a $2,500 grant for education and training in Dubois County to reduce the stigma of addiction.
New Life Church received a $500 grant for the purchase of a new AED.
The Fund for Dubois County is made possible by local donors who have established unrestricted endowments to offer flexibility in addressing ever changing community needs. For more information about the Community Foundation, visit