Jason Feldmeyer Memorial Scholarship Endowment
A legacy doesn’t just happen; it is built and cultivated by passion. After the passing of their son Jason, Mike and Lisa Feldmeyer wanted to keep their son’s memory and reputation as a golf standout of Southridge High school alive. Jason had left behind a legacy of his own. His passion for golf inspired his parents to hold an annual golf scramble in his honor in order to fund a scholarship in his name. The Feldmeyers’ initially decided to set up a “pass through” fund with the Community Foundation so to give a $500 scholarship for other high school golfers pursuing a degree of higher education.
What they had not planned for, however, was the support they would receive from their community. The first annual Jason Feldmeyer Memorial Golf Scramble was a complete success, but more so than Mike and Lisa had expected.
Then Community Foundation was then able to change their fund into an endowment, thus, allowing the Feldmeyers’ to grant in their son’s name for years to come. The annual Jason Feldmeyer Golf Scramble allows them to grow their endowment with the Foundation, as well as the amount they are able to annually give away. The Jason Feldmeyer Scholarship Endowment was able to award over $13,000 to graduating golfers at Southridge in 2013. Mike and Lisa Feldmeyer didn’t just have a fundraiser to commemorate their son. Through their love and compassion, they were able to build a legacy that will commemorate their Jason forever.
Founder: Mike and Lisa Feldmeyer
Date Established: 1/16/01